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An Escape in the Midst of a Sunset

hb pencil, 2b pencil, acrylic paint on canvas

I used one of my reference photos to inspire me to draw a seascape with boats along a sunset. Although the grass and the tree were darker in my original photo due to lighting, I wanted to experience lighter colors for that is seen throughout my artist's work. The colors, although very minimal, have many shades displayed. The colors I used are green, blue, orange, beige, grey, black, and white. However, most were created by mixing white or a lighter color of the same shade. Something I risked with this art piece was the bright sunset because I have trouble with blending especially when the colors don't necessarily go together. Sadly, this isn't my fully finished product as I have to work on the sunset and more details to further blend it. 

tall green grass with light and dark green shades. Only did one house rather than the many buildings that were in the original photo. color of the river is a much darker tone than the sky. 


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